This new ramped buffer retainer design allows for easy installation and removal of the Silent Captured Spring while ensuring unerring retention. Your SCS will never drop unexpectedly out of your lower again. With our JPSCS-BRP, the spaces between the masses can now ride over the ramp that has been created if the user does not want their SCS sliding out of their buffer tube when taking their rifle apart for servicing. The user is now able to easily remove the SCS from their buffer tube unlike the Mil-Spec buffer retaining pin that would get caught in between the SCS masses. This ramped SCS-BRP design is also reverse compatible, so it works equally well with a standard AR buffer and spring. Compatibility: Like a standard buffer retainer pin, this design is not compatible with Variable Mass Operating System (VMOS) carriers. This buffer retainer pin is designed to work only with conventional buffer tubes and not those with a slotted lip feature designed to extend around the buffer retainer pin. The slotted feature may prevent this buffer retainer pin from fully presenting and will not retain the SCS. When running a Silent Captured Spring in this type of buffer tube, we recommend against use of buffer retainer pin. This buffer retainer is designed for use with the JP Silent Captured Spring and will not retain a standard buffer assembly as well as a Mil-spec buffer retainer. Specifications for JP Enterprises SCS System Buffer Retainer Pin & Spring Kit: Manufacturer: JP Enterprises Color: Black/Silver Condition: New Features of JP Enterprises SCS System Buffer Retainer Pin & Spring Kit With our version of the SCS Buffer Retainer, the user is now able to easily remove the SCS from their Buffer tube unlike the Mil-Spec part that would get caught in between the masses The BRP makes it easier to remove the SCS from the buffer tube over the Mil-Spec part The BRP will work with standard Mil-Spec buffers This will not work with a JP VMOS bolt carrier. It will interfer with the carrier masses Package Contents: JP Enterprises SCS System Buffer Retainer Pin & Spring Kit 1 x Buffer Retainer Spring 1 x SCS2-WASHER
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