The 835 Ulti-Mag All-Purpose Field shotgun manages the most punishing magnum loads with overbored and ported barrels for better shot patterns and reduced felt recoil and muzzle jump for quicker follow-up shots. This model has a 3.5″ chamber and a 26″ vent rib barrel. It features a fully Mossy Oak New Bottomland camouflage finish. It includes an X-Factor Ported Ulti-Full turkey tube and an Accu-Mag Set.Brand MossbergCategory ShotgunsModel 835Series All Purpose FieldGauge 12 GaugeStock Finish Mossy Oak New BottomlandAction PumpBarrel Length Range 26″ to 26.99″Sights Fiber Optic FrontCapacity 5+1Chamber 3.5″Size Full SizeChoke Configuration Accu-MagApplication FieldChokes Included X-Factor PortedHand RightLength of Pull 13.87″Max Capacity 5OAL 46.75″Receiver Finish Mossy Oak New BottomlandReceiver Material SteelSafety Top TangStock Finish Group Natural CamouflageStock Material SyntheticWeight 7.50 lbsBarrel Description Vent RibBarrel Finish Mossy Oak New BottomlandBarrel Length 26″
Mossberg 835 All Purpose Shotgun 63527, 12 Gauge, 26 in, 3.5 in Chmbr, Mossy Oak Bottomlands Finish
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